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LEAD |October 15, 2020
By: D.C. Alves M.Ed., Chief Leadership Officer, ExuLAB
Micro-kindnesses are frequent, brief verbal and behavioral intentional, good, positive and uplifting attitudes, words or actions toward other human beings that communicate love, respect, hope, encouragement, consideration, positivity, harmony and peace. Micro-kindnesses demonstrate the qualities of being friendly, generous and warm and a willingness to genuinely connect and care about the well-being of another person. Micro-kindnesses are the solution to disfunction and intolerability- micro-kindnesses will oxygenate toxicities, stimulate ideas and illuminate prosperous outcomes.
Micro-kindnesses are a direct reflection of the person who offers them. It requires the giver of the micro-kindness to first be aware of the desire to give the micro-kindness based on a need that presents itself, or sometimes for no other reason than the desire for human caring. This awareness and desire are a practice- a constant practice. And when you get really good at it- it becomes an art- a beautiful art that can transform lives, organizations and the world--- for the better.
With such gratitude, I have been the recipient of micro-kindnesses throughout my career and life. I remember them. They make you feel so good. See that is the funny thing, the micro-kindness stays with you as a beautiful reminder that human beings care and that humanity at its core is so so good. They make you want to give them out all the time. It is a ripple effect of tremendous good.
Micro-kindnesses are genuine frequent little actions, words or attitudes that have a big effect and they make you personally feel awesome too... an acknowledgement by a stranger on the street where for a brief moment you connect with direct eye contact that says "I see you, I really see and acknowledge you."- a stranger no more as you connect in your shared recognition of humanness- even for that brief second- you connected... a random smile generously given to you with no expectation other than to simply brighten your day and connect, a virtual high five acknowledging the efforts of each person on the team during a remote meeting... a door gone out of the way to be opened for you to make the day go just that little bit easier for you with no return expected, a boss who comes in with a beautiful smile and a big bag of piping hot popcorn to share with you at a meeting to bring lightheartedness and fun to monotony and stress... a friendly attitude, something playful, a funny little joke to lighten the mood, a compliment, a word of encouragement, a small handwritten note of recognition, an emoji...the list goes on and on.
These micro-kindnesses build and build to where the environment bubbles with warmth, excitement, care and concern for other people. You want to be there, you want to contribute, you feel safe---you belong.
If you have amazing ways you have exhibited micro-kindnesses in your daily life or have received micro-kindnesses- please share them with us at
We'd love to hear from you and share them with our amazing community!
This article is meant to have you start thinking about how you can be aware of micro-kindnesses and be the giver of micro-kindnesses all around you- even in chaotic situations- this is your antidote. Remember it takes awareness and a desire. Begin today. How can you go about your day and communicate love, respect, consideration, hope, encouragement, positivity, harmony and peace to other human beings?
Micro-kindnesses- the practice becoming the art- now that's real leadership.